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Top 5 Scorsese Films

Top 5 Scorsese Films

On my Top 10 Directors list Scorsese topped it. I absolutely adore his films, he absolutely mastered crime thrillers. All of his films have a lot of grit to them, but they always have so many amazing twists and turns. If you haven't seen any of his films, check yourself, because his films are fantastic. For those of you who might disagree with some of the films I left out, I haven't seen Raging Bull so, apologies that it will not break the top 5, but it IS under honourable mentions!

5.)Shutter Island
I find that when talking to people who have seen this film, their thoughts are pretty opposite. Half of the people I talk to hate this film, and half of the people love it and it all comes down to the ending. Personally, I love it. I think it embodies everything that Scorsese is as a director. He knows how to thrill us, and how to make us question everything. The film was beautifully shot and the acting was great. This film is a prime example of how to correctly create a psychological thriller. It is intense and frightening, and you don't actually know whats happening at all until the very end, or do you? Acting as always is perfect from everyone involved. Fantastic cast including Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Michelle Williams, and Emily Mortimer. The cinematography is absolutely beautiful and perfect for the films. The dark atmosphere adds to the over-all creepiness of this film. If you're a fan of thrillers, especially psychological   It is #231 on IMDB's top 250 films of all-time list. 
IMDB: 8/10

4.)The Aviator
One of the best biographical films I've ever seen. I went into this film knowing nothing about Howard Hughes, and left it being enthralled in his story. He was such a pioneer and wanted nothing more then to create, invent and to progress both the aviation and film industries. Sadly, he is most well known for his mental health problems, and his personal life. The acting in this film was absolutely amazing. Leonardo DiCaprio absolutely shines in this performance as Howard Hughes, and how he did not win an Oscar is beyond me, and Cate Blanchett is also fantastic as Katharine Hepburn. The rest of the cast includes Kate Beckinsale, John C. Reilly, Alec Baldwin, Alan Alda, Ian Holm, Jude Law, Gwen Stefani, Adam Scott and many more. Definitely an impressive cast, and a great film. If you like biographical, or period films you'll definitely enjoy this. Definitely one of my favourite of Leo's performances. The films was nominated for 11 Oscars winning 5 for Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Film Editing, Best Cinematography, and Best Supporting Actress for Cate Blanchett.
IMDB: 7.5/10

3.)Taxi Driver
This film is one of the most famous films of all time. Even if you've never actually seen, or even heard of the movie, you've definitely heard some of its most famous lines such as "are you talkin' to me?" It is definitely one of Robert De Niro's greatest roles. It is one of the greatest examples of character progression in film history. The movie follows a mentally unstable Viet Nam war vet, Travis Bickle, who is not working as a night-time taxi-driver in New York City. The dark side of the city feeds his desire for violence as he sets out on a mission to save a 12 year old girl who has been forced to work as a prostitute. After a failed attempt at dating a campaign worker, Betsy, he starts an unhealthy obsession with her causing him to fall even more into a downward spiral. Definitely one of the greatest films of all time, and possibly the greatest vigilante film. The cast includes Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd, Albert Brooks, and Harvey Keitel. Its #57 on IMDB's top 250 films of all-time. It was nominated for 5 Oscars.
IMDB: 8.4/10

2.)The Departed
I'm pretty sure everyone who has ever seen this movie loved it, and for good reason, its a fantastic film. The film follows a cop, undercover in an Irish gang, and a mole in the police department who is from the same gang as they try to figure out the other is before they themselves can be exposed after each group discovers they have a rat. Like every other Scorsese movie, the cast and the acting from said cast is unreal. It includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Vera Farmiga, Alec Baldwin, and many more. The film is an intense thriller from beginning to end with tons of twists along the way. It's #49 on IMDB's top 250 films of all-time. It was nominated for 5 Oscars and won 4 of those including Best Film Editing, Best Writing, Best Director for Martin Scorsese, and Picture of the Year.
IMDB: 8.5/10

1.) Goodfellas
This one was pretty easy to put as #1. Its definitely one of the greatest films of all time, and easily one of the greatest gangster films, beaten only by The Godfather. The movie follows Henry Hill, a smalltime gangster as he climbs the ranks of the mob. Its been too long since I've seen this film, definitely need to watch it again asap! The cast includes all the classic actors who you'd assume you'd see in a gangster film including Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, and Paul SorvinoIt, and boy do they do a great job at being intimidating and terrifying. It is #15 on IMDB's top 250. It was nominated for 6 Oscars winning 1 for Best Supporting Actor for Joe Pesci
IMDB: 8.7/10

Honourable Mentions: Gangs of New York, Casino, Cape Fear, Hugo, Age of Innocence, Raging Bull. 


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