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Originally Posted: 3 October 2011

IMDB Rating : 8.2/10
Stars: Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Robin Wright.

I saw this movie earlier today and its all I’ve been able to think about since. Such a great heart warming story. The acting and writing was fantastic, and the thing I love most about these movies is that they are “based on a true story.” It starts off with Billy Beane’s(Pitt) team (The Oakland A’s) losing yet another last game of the season. His luck then continues to go downhill as he loses 3 or 4 of his top players and is has to find a new line up to try and win the world series with only a fraction of the finances that the other bigger teams have to work with. Then enters Peter Brand (Hill) who comes up with a new strategy in choosing players, which turns the whole sport on its head.
The acting was wonderful, Brad Pitt has really continued to show that he’s more then a pretty face, although he really does have that going for him ;), and he really is a brilliant actor. Jonah Hill continues to play “that awkward kid” perfectly well, it was interesting to see him not able to rely on his humour to charm the audience. Although, I’m willing to bet that his intimidation towards Brad Pitt’s character wasn’t entirely acting. Then you have Hoffman who plays any character he’s given brilliantly. Even though he had a smaller role he had no problem giving the intensity he’s well known for. So many great heart felt moments, my favorites involving Billy Bean’s daughter, she really did an amazing job singing and playing guitar, so shout out to Kerris Dorsey! Overall I’d have to agree with IMDB and give this movie about an 8/10.
Definitely a must-see, this is not just a baseball movie people!


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