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Manhattan Murder Mystery

IMDB: 7.3
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
Roger Ebert: 3/4 stars
Stars: Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Alan Alda, and Anjelica Huston
Written & Directed by: Woody Allen
Described by IMDB as: “Larry and Carol are fairly normal New Yorkers who have sent their son off to college. They meet an elderly couple down the hall and later in the week find that the wife has suddenly died. Carol becomes suspicious of Paul who seems to be too cheerful and too ready to move on. She begins her investigation. Larry insists she is becoming too fixated on their neighbor as all of the irregularities seem to have simple non-homicidal explanations. Ted, a recently divorced friend helps her investigation and Larry begins to become jealous of their relationship and agrees to help her.”

I watched Midnight in Paris a few months ago, and I said in the review that I needed to watch some more Woody Allen movies, and I’ve finally gotten around to it. This movie was actually really good, I don’t think I’ve seen one with a similar story line, which is a great start. The thing I like most about Allen’s films is that they’re such simple ideas, but they’re exactly what I think about. Those times you think “damn, I wish I was alive in the 80’s, or the 70’s, or the 20’s,” or those times when you think you and your friends can figure out a mystery. He’s a genius, they just eat away at my mind. Amazing cast, Diane Keaton and Woody Allen work so well together, it saddens me that they aren’t still together. At first Anjelica Huston’s character was sort of random, but in the end it made sense. Its funny because at the core of the story its actually about jealousy and trying to make sure the couple doesn’t get boring as they get older. The whole movie all I could think was I want my relationship to be like this when I’m married and old. I can’t wait to be able to go out to a nice restaurant with my closest friend every week.
Overall I really enjoyed this movie. Everytime I watch one of his movies I desperately want to move to wherever the movie takes place, whether thats New York or Paris, he’s such an amazing storyteller. I’m definitely going to try and watch all of his movies as soon as possible.

I’m giving this movie a 8/10.


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