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Top 10 Actors

Surprisingly this is the list that so far has taken me the longest to decide. All of these actors are top notch actors, including the ones in the honourable mentions list. All of these actors have either won Oscars themselves or have been in Oscar winning movies. I still feel bad about not being able to fit a couple of people in the Top 10 so please check out the honourable mentions as well.

10.) Daniel Day-Lewis
Oh Daniel, what a treasure he is. The first movie I saw him in wasGangs of New York and I fell in love with him, funny I know because he's a total bad-guy and it not attractive at all, but I just knew, he was amazing. Later I saw There Will Be BloodIn The Name Of The Father, and most recently, Lincoln. However, I think he is most famous for My Left Foot for which he won an Oscar. So far he's won the Golden Globe and BAFTA for his performance in Lincoln, and I'm pretty confident he'll be winning the Oscar as well. I'd watch any movie he was in, he is magnificent, and I think he's one of the greatest character actors of our time.

9.) Leonardo DiCaprio
Surprisingly I like Leo before Titanic, he was in Growing Pains which just so happened to be one of my favorite TV shows growing up. However, the love came when Titanic was released. Funny enough, I was far too young to actually see it then, but because of the huge Leo frenzy I saw him everywhere. I remember once I heard that a bunch of the stars were coming into St. John's because they were heading out to see the location of where the Titanicactually sunk. I just so happened to be out here and begged my parents to bring me to the harbour to see the love of my life, and they did so, unfortunately I saw no one, and he wasn't even one of the cast members coming in. Very disappointing. Little did I know that I would grow to hugely respect his amazing talent. The AviatorThe DepartedBlood Diamond,InceptionShutter IslandCatch Me If You CanBody Of Lies, and most recently in Django Unchained. I'm also extremely excited about his next role in The Great Gatsby.

8.) Kevin Bacon
Kevin Bacon has had a pretty diverse career, I think the film he's probably best known for is Footloose, but the films I love him in were actually ones that I hadn't heard of until I found them in the $5 bin at Walmart. My favorites of his are Mystic RiverSleepersA Few Good MenApollo 13X-Men First Class.Stir of Echoes was also pretty good. He's in a new TV show called The Following that came out this month. Theres only been a few episodes but so far its very good. The thing I like about Kevin Bacon is that he can play both a hero and a villain amazingly well. I mean, he's one of the most horrifying people of all time in Sleepers, but in films like Footloose and Apollo 13 he's the great guy. Sleepers and Mystic River are such awesome movies, if you haven't seen them yet, please do so ASAP.

7.) Edward Norton
Edward Norton is an awesome actor. He has been in such masterpieces asFight ClubAmerican History XPrimal Fear,  Red DragonThe Painted Vail, and The Illusionist. He also played Bruce Banner/Hulk in the lastHulk movie (not including The Avengers). Chances are he normally doesn't come to mind when thinking about your favorite actors, but seriously just look at that list and tell me he doesn't deserve the number 7 spot on this list? Between Fight Club, American History X and Primal Fear, I just listed some of my favorite films. All of them would definitely be in my top 25. If you haven't seen these, especially the first 3 or 4, do it now because you're very much missing out. 

6.) Sean Penn
Where do I begin with this Oscar winning actor? His first big hit was Fast Times at Ridgemont High as the classic character, Spicoli. Looking at his list of works there was actually a pretty big gap between that film, and another film I've even heard of. I don't think its until Dead Man Walking that I see another film I've heard of, and I haven't even seen that one. I think the role that made him a household name was his role as Sam Dawson in I Am Sam, one of the saddest movies of all time. After that we have 21 GramsMystic River,The Interpreter, MilkFair GameThe Tree Of Life, and most recentlyGangster Squad. He has won 2 Oscars for Actor in a Leading Role for Mystic River and Milk. He has also been nominated for I Am Sam, Sweet and Lowdown and Dead Man Walking. 

5.) Gary Oldman
Like Daniel Day-Lewis, Gary Oldman is an amazing character actor. I think his most famous roles would be as Officer Jim Gordon in The Dark Knight Trilogy, or Sirius Black in the Harry Potter films. However, he has had many successful films including JFKDracula,LĂ©on the ProfessionalThe Fifth ElementAir Force OneTinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and Lawless. Somehow even with that insane list of performances, he's only been nominate for one Oscar for his role as George Smiley in in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.  

4.) Christian Bale
Christian Bale is definitely best known for his role as Batman, but I don't know if most people are aware of just how fantastic of an actor he is. He is known for his intense method acting. He lost 63 pounds for his role in The Machinist, and went down to 121 pounds for The Fighter. His earliest hit was when he was a child inEmpire of the Sun, then Newsies. A few years later he was in the well known period film Little Women. Since then he has been in such amazing films asAmerican PsychoThe Machinist, Batman BeginsThe Prestige, 3:10 To YumaI'm Not ThereThe Dark KnightTerminator SalvationPublic EnemiesThe Fighter (for which he was nominated for an Oscar) and The Dark Knight RisesI really think that The Dark Knight trilogy has been mostly under-appreciated. Granted, I am biased because I love them so much, but I can't believe none of them have gotten a best picture nomination at the Oscars. 

3.) Russell Crowe
Russell Crowe quickly became one of my favorite actors after seeing A Beautiful Mind, but he's been in other amazing films that helped me put him at number 3.L.A Confidential, GladiatorMaster and CommanderCinderella ManThe Insider3:10 to YumaAmerican GangsterBody of LiesState of PlayThe Next 3 Days, and most recently Les MisĂ©rables. He has been nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role for The Insider and A Beautiful Mind, and won for Gladiator. I'm sure these will not be his final nominations, as I'm sure he has a few more amazing films to come. He's actually visited Newfoundland a number of times, so it is my life dream to see him in a coffee shop someday down town. I think I would die of joy if that happens.

2.) Tom Hanks
I think Tom Hanks is one of those people who you just can't not like. He just seems like such a great guy, and he's even more talented then nice somehow. Its pretty amazing considering how many amazing films he has under his belt, most people would let the amount of success he's had go to their heads, but not good ole' Tom.  Some of his biggest hits include BigTurner & Hootch,  Sleepless In Seattle, You've Got Mail, Philadelphia, Apollo 13, Toy StoryThe Green Mile,Saving Private RyanCast AwayCatch Me If You CanThe Polar Express,The Da Vinci Code, and his most famous film Forrest Gump. He was also inCloud Atlas last fall which made my Top 10 Films of 2012 list. He has wonOscars for Best Actor in a Leading Role two years in a row (1994 and 1995) for his roles in Forrest Gump and Philadelphia. As surprising as it is, he's made many more films then I have listed, thats just a condense list of his most well known films. This man has made some amazing, heartwarming, and life altering films. Do yourself a favor and look up his acceptance speeches for both of his Oscars, an unbelieveably amazing man who definitely deserves the #2 spot on this list.

1.) Kevin Spacey
I adore Kevin Spacey. He has such an unusual but impressive career. Spacey has been in such movies as The Usual SuspectsSe7enA Time To Kill, L.A ConfidentialAmerican BeautyK-PAXPay It Forward, The Shipping NewsThe Life of David GaleSuperman Returns21, Moon, Margin Call,Horrible Bosses, and currently he's in the original Netflix show House Of Cardswhich is currently a pretty big hit. He's won two Academy Awards, Best Actor in a Supporting Role for The Usual Suspects 1996, and Best Actor in a Leading Role for American Beauty in 2000. American Beauty reached #2 on my Top 10  Films Of All Time list, and if I'd had a top 20 I think another 2 or 3 of his would have inched their way on there as well. I really love this guy, when I found out that he had been in The Shipping News (filmed here in Newfoundland), I was so excited to know that he knew where it was. I will watch any film that he's in, and I can't wait to see what he has next, and the next season of House of Cards!

Honourable Mentions: Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro, Brad Pitt, Colin Firth, Robin Williams, Sam Rockwell, Christoph Waltz, Johnny Depp, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Tim Robbins.


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