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Top 10 Films of 2012

10.) Zero Dark Thirty

Such a great film, so intense and although I have no idea how much of it actually happened, most of it seemed pretty realistic, and it seemed to have the general gist of what I knew to have happened. Even if 90% of it is BS its still a fantastic film, such a thriller and its definitely action-packed. Jessica Chastain was really great in this one, she's almost unrecognizable in every movie I've seen her in. Kathryn Bigelow directs the films who also directed The Hurt Locker, I think I might like this one more, but I don't really remember The Hurt Locker much despite the fact that it epically won the Oscar in 2010 against her ex-husband James Cameron who directed Avatar that year. The movie was nominated for 5 Oscars winning 1 for Best Sound Editing.

9.) Prometheus 

I absolutely loved this film. The special effects were phenomenal which luckily has been recognized by the Academy as it is nominated for Special Effects. I wish it had gotten a bit more as Michael Fassbender was amazing in it. The cinematography was also beautiful, the scenes when they're flying into the planet are stunning. The storyline was fantastic, the only thing I didn't like about it was that it didn't really answer the question that was the entire point of the film. I did however like that it left it pretty open for a sequel which I will definitely be watching the moment it is released. I watched this film early last year and watched it again when I got it for Christmas, and I realized again how fantastic it was. If you like action, thrillers or Sci-fi you'll enjoy this film. Ridley Scottreally got it right in this one. Prometheus was nominated for 1 Oscar for Visual effects.

8.) Skyfall

I've heard many people say that this is the best Bond film yet, I haven't seen them all, so I don't feel comfortable saying so, but its definitely the best of the ones I've seen. I actually watched it a couple of times in theaters and I think I may have enjoyed it even better the second time. Javier Bardem was insane in this movie, I think he should have been nominated for an Oscar for supporting actor actually. I thought he was much more memorable then say, Alan Arkin. I loved how vulnerable you see Bond(Daniel Craig) in this one, very unlike the early ones. It was M's(Judi Dench) shining moment for sure, she was in this one a lot more then she normally is. I also liked that this time it wasn't all about the gadgets, I really like how dialed down it was and how it really came down to man to man in a lot of instances. don't get me wrong there were some really great big action sequences, the scene with the subway train crashing through the floor was really great. Definitely watch this movie, no one could possibly regret it. Nominated for 5 Oscars and won 2 for Sound Editing and Best Original Song.

7.) Silver Linings Playbook

I actually loved everything about this movie. It has a lot of really great plot lines and talks a lot about mental illness. Bradley Cooper was really amazing in this one, I have to say I was fairly surprised since his biggest hit was The Hangover, and that doesn't really require the highest of acting abilities, but he showed  a lot of emotion in this one and I felt like we were able to look deep into Bradley Cooper's soul. Jennifer Lawrence was even more impressive, but her performance was less surprising since she'd already had one Oscar nomination for Winter's Bone which was an amazing performance as well. Robert De Niro was absolutely heartwarming in this film, he plays a very different character then I've ever seen him play before. The film was nominated for 8 Oscars, including all 4 of the acting categories. Jennifer Lawrence  won 1 of those Oscars for Best Actress. Really great inspiring movie that everyone should see.  

6.) Perks of Being A Wallflower

I think this movie actually changed my life, if not it moved me deeply at the very least. The book is one of my favorites, so I was a little worried about how it would translate  but the author of the novel was the writer and director of the film, so its probably the best novel to film transfer I've ever seen.  There were a couple of things, mostly just character traits that I would have added, as well as what I thought was a pivotal scene between Charlie(Logan Lerman) and his sister(Nina Dobrev) that I thought really showed the strength of their relationship. I thought Emma Watson was really great as Sam, basically the complete opposite of Hermione which was refreshing. Ezra Miller was perfect as Patrick, I've seen him before in "We Need To Talk About Kevin" and I really think he's going to be an upcoming shining star. Again, enjoyed this film to the fullest. Go see it immediately. 

5.) Cloud Atlas

I saw this movie twice while it was in theatres, it was beautiful, inspiring, funny, heartbreaking, and heart warming all at the same time. It's a science fiction, history, comedy, futuristic  and a period piece film all in one. It touches on all kinds of issues including racism, homophobia, loss, corruption, and morality and spans over thousands of years while all somehow being able to be linked together. You really need to see it more then once to catch all of the little nuggets in there that connect everything. Even to see which characters all of the actors are playing in each world, you really need more then one viewing. The cast includes Tom HanksHalle BerryJim BroadbentHugo WeavingJim SturgessBen WhishawKeith DavidSusan SarandonHugh Grant, and Doona Bae. This film makes it clear that when you see an injustice, you cannot idly sit by, you must do something. I loved every second of this film and would recommend to anyone! 

4.) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

This film is a prequel to The Lord of the Rings trilogy and part one of The Hobbit Trilogy. Martin Freeman was perfect as Bilbo in this film, absolutely loved him. The cinematography was absolutely gorgeous, and the film was surprisingly bright and colourful compared to the darker Lord of the Rings trilogy which was paralleled in the general feel of the film as well. It was quite up-beat and rather funny at times. Martinbrings a really great wittiness to Bilbo and most of the Dwarf scenes are just goofy and hilarious. I think Peter Jackson took a bit of a risk with changing the general feeling of the film so drastically from the LOTR movies, but I think that it worked perfectly. Really interested in seeing what they do with the next two films. Some people might be worried that the film might be super dragged out because they're trying to stretch the small book into 3 films, but this one was jammed packed with action. I enjoyed it even more the second time. Can't wait to watch it a third. 

3.) Argo

Ben Affleck had a difficult feat to overcome when making this movie, which was trying to figure out how to make this film suspenseful despite the fact that everyone already knew how it was going to end, and I have to say that I really think that he did pulled it off. Pretty much from even the first few scenes when all of the people are in the American Embassy and you don't know if the protestors outside are going to be able to break in or not, all the way to the final scenes in the airport this film has you at the edge of your seat. I always forget just how great Affleck has been at directing. This his only his 3rd feature-length film (the first two being Gone Baby Gone and The Town) and it is totally clear that he has found his calling. The cast in this film was awesome. It included Ben Affleck,Bryan CranstonAlan ArkinJohn Goodman, Victor GarberTate DonovanClea DuVall and Scoot McNairy. It was nominated for 7 Oscars and won 3 of those including Best Film Editing, Best Writing, and Best Picture of the Year.

2.) The Dark Knight Rises

After seeing this movie I understand what a trilogy is supposed to be. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were very different movies, with completely different villains so they were very separate identities, but The Dark Knight Rises manages to tie them all together so well, its almost as if it had just smashed them all together into one movie.Christopher Nolan is an absolute genius  and I think that its clear that these are the greatest super hero movies of all time. I find that in these films its hard to see it, butChristian Bale is an absolutely phenominal actor and I think he brings an incredible amount of strength to the character of Bruce Wayne. In this film Alfred(Michael Caine) makes some big descions and despite the fact that he isn't really in the last half of the movie, he really plays a pivotal role. Tom Hardy plays Bane in this film, and he is the definition of a villain, perfectly terrifying. Joseph Gordon Levitt is charming as always, but he plays a much more serious character in this film then he does in others. Marion Cotillard seems to be a favorite of Nolan's and I thought she was pretty good in the film, but I wouldn't say she necessarily stood out until closer to the end of the film. Anne Hathaway I thought was fantastic as Cat Woman, which I think pleasantly surprised many people. Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman play Fox and Gordon brilliantly once again. Really fantastic characters all around. Like I said, Nolan is a genius and if you have not seen this trilogy do it immediately. All three films are fantastic, but as a unit together they are a masterpiece  It is #52 on the IMDB Top 250 movies, but despite its fantastic response from the critics and audience, it wasn't nominate for a single Oscar. 

1.) Django Unchained 

I adored absolutely everything about this film.  Quentin Tarantino is the master of revenge films, and Django is no exception. I find with a lot of his films Tarantino makes it difficult for just anyone to enjoy, they can be quite confusing and violent for most people, ie. Kill Bill, but his last two films, Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained, have been revenge on the level that we can all automatically accept, whether about the Holocaust or Slavery. His cinematography has vastly improved over the years and I truly enjoy his films. Quentin has an incredibly unusual and mostly frightening mind, but when something like this comes out its all understandable and appreciated. Despite the level of violence in this film, it isn't senseless, and you are practically wanting to cheer him on at some points. Jamie Foxx plays Django who is a slave before the civil war who is freed by Dr. King Schultz(Christoph Waltz), a German dentist turned bounty hunter, but is forced to hunt down his wife, Broomhilda(Kerry Washington), who was recently purchased by Calvin Candie(Leonardo DiCaprio). Thrust into a world of slavery and slave-on-slave fighting, Django is forced to pretend to be everything he hates to get the chance of getting his wife. Things don't necessarily go as planned and a few extra drops of blood are shed along the way. This film is not for the faint of heart, but if you can accept the level of bloodshed from white people, watch it. A very smart and witty film, but also, oh so satisfying. The cast also includes Samuel L. JacksonWalton Goggins,James Remar, and a couple of interesting cameos. It is #51 on the IMDB Top 250 films and was nominated for 5 Oscars winning 2 for Best Supporting Actor for Christoph Waltz, and Best Original Screenplay for Quentin Tarantino. Just do yourself a favor and watch this film.

Thanks for checking out my list! Hopefully you enjoyed it, feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree, or what films you would have on your list on the comments!

Honourable Mentions: My original list included Lincoln, Looper, and Killing Them Softly which were all amazing films, and I wish desperately that I could also include Les Misérables which was also a TRULY amazing film, but I didn't realize how amazing the films that I had missed over Christmas would be. Other Honourable mentions include Ted, The Avengers, The Master, Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, and Pitch Perfect. I also adored seeing Titanic in 3D, but its not really a new movie at all so I didn't think I should include it.


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