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Top 10 Films of All Time

Originally Posted: 13 January 2013
First off, I've decided that I'm going to try and make an honest effort at posting a review or list every Sunday starting this week. This doesn't mean that I won't be posting more then that every week, but I just wanted to have a day where I definitely posted something. Thanks and enjoy the rest of the post. --Gill.

Some of these movies will probably be confusing (ie Perks of Being a Wallflower as there were a number of other films before it on my Top Films of 2012 list) but I think that theres a difference between an excellently made film, and a film that you feel a connection to, or one that really stands out to you. I chose most of the pictures because I felt they really represented what each film was about. So here they are, my top 10 films of all time.

10.) The Godfather
A lot of people are definitely thinking that this should be higher on the list, but there are just more movies that I had a stronger reaction to.

This is my first introduction to Marlon Brando, who was such an epic character as Don Vito Corleone. Everything about this movie is perfect. It is clearly the greatest gangster movie of all time, and many people believe it is the greatest film of all time, and clearly I definitely think it's up there.

Check out my review HERE

9.) Mystic River
The first time I saw this movie I had  no idea what it was about, and I like it that way. I think this was probably the movie that made me really love Sean Penn. It was so intense and if you were able to call the ending you deserve a high-five. 5-star acting all around, made me want to watch the rest of Clint Eastwood's movies.

You can find my review HERE

8.) The Silence Of The Lambs
The first time I watched this film I had no idea what I was getting into, I knew it was a murder mystery but that was about it. I can't even put into words the calibre of Anthony Hopkins in this film. So much excitement, so many memorable, and quotable moments. No one does a Silence of the Lambs parody like Kevin Smith in Clerks II.

7.) Midnight In Paris
I seriously adored every moment of this film. I loved how its definitely a fantasy film, but has so much history and romance that its almost not fantasy at all. The entire premise is clearly fantasy-based but everything around it is mostly historical using real people. Woody Allen is so good at capturing the "what if's" we have in our minds and creating a story around it.

You can find my review HERE

6.) The Dark Knight Rises
Christopher Nolan knows how to make an awesome movie. With Batman Begins he re-created how to make an action-hero movie. The thing that made this film for me was how amazingly he tied his trilogy together. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. His characters were so strong, and deep that you couldn't help but feel everything for them.

You can find my review HERE

5.) Perks of Being A Wallflower
I'm a sucker for movies like this, with such loveable characters who go through such horrible events. The book is even better, but since the author of the novel was also the writer and director of this film, there has never been a better book to film transfer. I dare you not to love this film.

You can find my review HERE

4.) Dirty Dancing
I know after the list of fantastic films I just presented many people will look at this film and dismiss the entire list, but let me explain. There is no doubt that this film doesn't have anywhere near the best writing, acting, or directing, but there is something so charming about it that there is no way I can allow it to not be on this list. 

Nothing hooks you quite like a coming of age/discovery of love and lust story. Patrick Swayze is a total hunk in this film, and I will never renounce my love for him.  Jennifer Grey is a charming, beautiful young girl that allow all of us ladies to live through her discovery what life is really about and the hardships that people face. The soundtrack is also one of my favorites for any film, so many great songs, including some originals just for the film.

3.) A Beautiful Mind
Before I saw this film I honestly only thought of Russell Crowe as "the guys from Gladiator" which is obviously fine as its also a great movie, but I had no idea what kind of pure, raw, talent this man had inside of him. Absolutely amazing film. Based on a true story too!

2.)  American Beauty
If you've never seen this film you are seriously missing out on the awesomeness that is Kevin Spacey. This film turned it all around for me, I don't know how I didn't see his amazing abilities before this, but I did. This film absolutely blew my mind. I don't even know how to explain what kind of movie this is other then to explain that you HAVE to see it ASAP. Kevin Spacey 4 Life.

1.) The Breakfast Club
It all comes down to this. I love this film for a similar reason as why I love Perks of Being a Wallflower. You cannot help but fall in love with the characters. There is not a more powerful scene in film then the one on top of the the library when they all share their deepest thoughts and secrets. No one makes a better heartbreaking/heartwarming film about teenagers then John Hughes, what a genius. 
In a world full of movies/TV shows of dumb teenagers who only care about sex and underage drinking, this movie comes out as a champion showing that they can understand life, and how hard it can be sometimes. It shows that they can be real people, and not just kids who don't deserve an opinion.

Honourable Mentions: Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, An Education, Never Let Me Go, American Psycho, The Sound of Music, Sleepers, Cloud Atlas, and The Phantom of the Opera.

*Please note that I have not included any documentaries, and have tried to limit the number of movies in trilogies as I am going to make a top 10 list of both.


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